Friday, November 10, 2017

7 Ways to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids Fast and Naturally

By Google
Many people think that haemorroid is an abnormal problem, but actually everyone has haemorroid. Haemorroid is a clot of blood vessels in the anus and lower rectum that helps control the defecation process. But most people are aware of their existence only when it's getting bigger and causing trouble. The enlarged haemorrhoid, also called hemorrhoids, has made millions of people suffering from pain and irritation.

Hemorrhoids are grouped into 2 types : internal (derived from the rectum) and external (derived from the anus). Hemorrhoids can be a problem at any age, but this problem is more often experienced by the elderly. Hemorrhoids can be experienced by both men and women.

Causes of Hemorrhoid

The enlarged haemorroid is caused by persistent high pressure on the blood vessels of the body, which can occur due to prolonged standing or sitting. Other triggers are pregnancy, hormonal changes, obesity, constipation, forcing stools to defecate, poor diet, heavy lifting, and a family history of hemorrhoids.
Common symptoms of hemorrhoid include hard lumps that can be felt around the anus, defecated, bleeding after bowel movements, pain when defecation, and redness, pain, itching in the area around the anus.

In most cases, hemorrhoids are a temporary problem that can heal on their own even if not treated. However, you can seek some lifestyle changes as well as home remedies to drastically reduce the discomfort and the itchiness you feel. 

Here are Some Ways to Treat Hemorrhoid Naturally

1. Apple Vinegar

How to treat hemorrhoids, one of the best is to use apple vinegar. The ability of astringent in it helps to shrink enlarged blood vessels and provides relief from swelling and irritation.

Apple vinegar can be used in how to treat internal and external hemorrhoid types. But make sure you always use apple vinegar that is raw and unfiltered for the best results.
  • For external use, dissolve apple vinegar by mixing it with the same amount of water. Dip the cotton ball into it, then apply it slowly to the hemorrhoids. Once dry, apply coconut oil or castor oil to the area. Do this once a day.
  • Alternatively, you can add ½ glass of apple vinegar to the basin and soak the hemorrhoids inside for 10 - 20 minutes, twice a day.
  • To heal from the inside, mix 1 tablespoon apple vinegar into a glass of water and drink this solution 1-2 times a day.
2. Ice Pouch

To treat swelling and pain from blobs, prepare a bag of ice cubes. Cold temperatures from ice packs will help constrict blood vessels that dilate and reduce inflammation. It also helps relieve pain. Here's how to treat hemorrhoids with ice packs.
  • Put some ice cubes on a thin towel, then wrap them.
  • Apply the ice pack to the anal area for 5 - 10 minutes.
  • Do this several times a day.
3. Food Rich Fiber

Preventing hemorrhoid is highly recommended rather than treating it. You can prevent it by eating foods that help soften the stools, so you do not have to push during a bowel movement.

Eating fiber-rich foods will lower the risk of haemorroid enlargement. Dietary fiber helps soften the stool and make it easy to pour out. Fiber also reduces the problem of constipation, which is one of the triggers of hemorrhoids.

in a 2006 study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology reported that fiber exhibits consistent positive effects on the treatment of hemorrhoid symptoms and bleeding.

Fiber is found in many foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and whole grain cereals. You can also take supplements if not able to meet the fiber needs only from food.

4. Expand Liquid

Keeping the body hydrated well will greatly affect the severity of the hemorrhoids experienced. These lifestyle changes help both cope and prevent hemorrhoid.

Proper water intake helps keep the stool soft and controls the bowel process, reducing the likelihood of constipation.

If to meet the needs of fluids, then the best is to drink water. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. But avoid drinking drinks that contain lots of caffeine or carbonate, as well as alcoholic beverages, because they can cause dehydration.

5. Black Pepper

Although it sounds weird, but apparently using black pepper is a powerful way to treat hemorrhoids.

His analgesic and anti-inflammatory abilities help to alleviate the symptoms as well as instantly relieve the problem. Black pepper is also effective to cure severe hemorrhoid and even bleeding.

Try the consumption of 5 - 6 black pepper every morning and evening on an empty stomach, and continue to do until the hemorrhoids have healed completely.

6. Coconut oil

The anti-inflammatory and healing capabilities of coconut oil make it nutritious to treat internal and external hemorrhoid.

This oil helps reduce pain and inflammation. Also shrinking dilated blood vessels in the anus area, so as to speed up the healing process. Here's how to treat hemorrhoid with coconut oil.
  • Eat 1-2 extra teaspoons extra virgin coconut oil every day.
  • In addition, keep a small bottle of coconut oil in the bathroom, then apply a little to the hemorrhoids area after each defecation.
7. Good Hygiene Habits

To prevent and heal hemorrhoids, you should perform good bathing habits and prioritize cleanliness. First and foremost, keep the anal area clean as clean as possible.
  • Take a bath every day and clean the anus area without soap, because it can irritate the skin. Also, do not use liquids or liquids that contain fragrances.
  • Clean the anus area gently using warm water after each defecation to clear any mucus that may come out.
  • After cleansing, dry the anal area with cotton and apply coconut oil sufficiently to protect your skin.
  • Use soft and wet toilet paper instead of towels to prevent irritation.
  • Do not resist the urge to defecate.
  • Try a squat position during a bowel movement. This position can help defecate more easily out.
Immediately check to the doctor if the ways to treat hemorrhoids above do not help cure him. If left too long, the problem of hemorrhoids could lead to health complications such as loss of blood, tissue death, and even anal or colorectal cancer.

But most of the hemorrhoid problem can heal by itself, and can be helped potentially in the natural way as above. Hopefully the information in this article can help you to anticipate hemorrhoid disorders, especially if you or any family member who is over 45 years of age.

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